Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Twitter's Quotes

Sebenernya udah sejak lama aku suka bacain quote dari Twitter, cuma nggak begitu memperhatikan dan sekedar komentar 'oh'. Tapi sejak ada temenku yang nunjukin quote-quote keren dan 'aku banget', aku jadi makin rajin bacain quote terutama kalau aku baru galau (kaya sekarang). Read thissss -->

from @WowTeenagers

- The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the more you fall for them.
- All of the beautiful memories I have with you, are worth the pain of having to move on.
- Move on? Head: Yes Heart: No.
- She didn’t stop loving you. she just decided to stop showing it.. Because no matter how much she tried, you just wouldn’t get it.  :")
- I act like I don't miss you much, but really it's killing me.
- Just because you miss someone doesn't mean they belong in your life.

- I automatically smile when you message me.
- Remember, I love you.
- She smiles all day long, and then cries herself to sleep at night.
- I hate it when I'm feeling sad and I don't know why.
- Saying "I'm tired" when you're actually sad.
- I miss the fun we used to have together.
- She wants is a boy who will stay up late, just to talk to her. ♥
- Please don't fall for someone else.
Segini dulu, sebenernya masih buanyak sih, besok aku post lagi ;)

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